vrijdag 1 juni 2012

My top five favourite directors, movie directors that is.

How can one choose five directors out of a hundred well known and appreciated award winning directors? Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Billy Wilder, John Ford, Sergio Leone, Quentin Tarantino, Woody Allen, Clint Eastwood, well I can go on forever but I only need to pick out five. That's a difficult decision to make, but I will give it a try.

First of all, lets start with the worst director of all time. There are two nominees, Uwe Boll (weird name), and Ed Wood.
Ed Wood was a terrible director who shot his movies in the early and late nineteen-fifties. Uwe Boll, born in 65', is still shooting horrible movies. Who of the two is the worst?
Easy. For every movie that Ed shot, he had a small budget, around 10.000 dollars. Nothing compared to what Uwe is being financed for his movies. He has an average budget of 2 to 6 million dollars! And still his movies are downright pieces of crap.

Some examples:  
Blubberella, a nazi huntress who weighs almost 200 kilo's. She kills by sitting on them.
Bloodrayne, Rayne is a half-human half-vampire girl called a Dhampir that kills other vampires. Says enough, right?

Uwe Boll, a cinematic disaster.

And now for the creme de la creme of directors.

Nr. 5 - Francis Ford Coppola

Director of the famous movie The Godfather (1972). Who hasn't seen this epic mafia gem? Surely the best mafia movie that ever crossed the white screen. But some do forget that he also made Apocolypse Now the greatest Vietnam war movie starring Marlon Brando.

Nr. 4 - Martin Scorsese
His most famous flick would be Goodfellas (1990), also an epic mafia title. But that's not my favourite one. Taxi Driver (1976) starring a young Robert De Niro is a cult classic, and ofcourse one of my favourites.

Nr. 3 - Alfred Hitchcock
The world knows him only as; The master of suspense. This multi awardwinning director has made so many terrific movies, its unbelievable. Everybody knows that scene from Psycho where the killer enters the bathroom and tries to stab the girl who's taking a shower. That scene, the music, the ambiance, that's what they call suspense. Alfred was way ahead of his time.

Nr. 2 - Quentin Tarantino
The youngest director in my top 5. If you have seen his first movie, Reservoir Dogs (1992), you know that Quentin didn't care about budget. Almost the entire movie was shot in a warehouse! Great flick, but it can't top my favourite movie of all time: Pulp Fiction (1994). Absolutely stunning dialogue, an epic tale of four stories that eventually come together in violence and redemption.

Nr. 1 - Stanley Kubrick
Mister perfectionist is what I call him. I have never ever seen such a director being this passionate about his movies. Absolutley all of his movies are mindblowing, just to name a few; Dr. Strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (1964), A Clockwork Orange (1971), 2001: a space odyssey (1968), The Shining (1980). I love the Shining. It took him more than 6 years to finally shoot the movie!

(Honorable mentions: Orson Welles, Clint Eastwood, Christopher Nolan, David Fincher, Ingmar Bergman, and David Lynch.)

Frank van Roosmalen.